The Northern Regional Minister, Hon Shani Alhassan Shaibu, has launched the the 2024 Regional Green Ghana Day, at Tamale Technicalh University, Tamale.
Speaking to the media, he said, the Green Ghana initiative was launched three years ago,and efforts have been made to bring the lost vegetation that used to be in Ghana.
According to him, human activities and other factors contributed to the lost of trees and the Green Ghana Project is an initiative to bring back the degraded vegetation.

“The targets of this year is to plant ten million trees, and the Northern Region, has not being left out, several thousands of trees would be planted and the initiative begins here”
” This is the Regional launched that we just witnessed and I am of the view that the location was good and we pray that what we have planted grows to add to the vegetation ” He said.
On his part, Mr Kwasi Frimpong, the Northern Regional Manager of the Forestry Commission, revelead that 500,000 trees and seedlings would be planted in the Yendi and Tamale Forest District to commemorate the day.
He stated that measures would be put in place to monitor the planted trees for it survival.
Nyab Choggu Yipal Naa, a representative of the Chief Of Choggu, urged the communities members to plant trees and desist from cutting trees for charcoal and firewood.

Vice Chancellor Of the Tamale Technical University, expressed his gratitude to the Regional Coordinating Council and the Forestry commission for choosing their institution to plant this year’s ceremonial trees to mark the Green Ghana Day.